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Info: Kom naar Plantentuin Meise voor een tweedaags evenement over de rol van botanische expertise in lopende projecten in Centraal-Afrika. Dit evenement belicht de bijdragen van de Plantentuin aan biodiversiteitsbehoud, het onderzoek en de valorisatie van genetische hulpbronnen, klimaatactie en

 📢 Belgian IPBES Day 

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Join us for Belgian IPBES Day on 19 March 2025 in Brussels, Belgium!

For those unfamiliar, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is a


The Belgian One Health network, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, and Sciensano are pleased to provide the completed programme for their 2-day event.


Ecosystems in the balance

This One Health event will

Political Monitoring - November 2024 is available here
Afbeelding via Pixabay

Financietoren (Pachecozaal) Brussel | Donderdag 20 februari 2025 vanaf 9u00

O.l.v. Professor van Ypersele (UCLouvain)

Op donderdag 20 februari 2025 organiseert de Federale Raad voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling (FRDO) een nieuw evenement onder de noemer Jongeren en klimaat met deze keer speciale

Wednesday 27 November 2024

11h00 – 12h00 (CET)

Register here



Dr Geoffrey M. Malinga-Assoc.Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Gulu University/MASEDIN ProjectCo-PI.


Dr Sabine Van Miert, Thomas

The political monitoring of October 2024 is available here .

Conference organized by the Federal Council for Sustainable Development of Belgium (FRDO-CFDD), in collaboration with the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC)



The urgent need to transform the European economy in order to

The political monitoring of September 2024 is available here .

From doing better to doing what nature needs 

Main Forum - September 19th 2024, from 9 am to 6 pm      
Welcome coffee from 8.30 am      
Cocktail from 6 pm      
at The Egg Rue Bara 175, 1070 Bruxelles

Special Sessions for WWF Corporate Partners, September 20th 2024, from 9 am to 1 pm   

The political monitoring of August 2024 is available here .
Aujourd'hui à Agadir (Maroc), le Conseil international de coordination du Programme de l' UNESCO sur l'homme et la biosphère a décidé de reconnaître la KempenBroek comme réserve de biosphère transfrontalière . La KempenBroek devient ainsi la première zone de biosphère transfrontalière de l'UNESCO…
Today in Agadir (Morocco), the International Coordinating Council for the UNESCO Human and Biosphere Programme decided to recognise KempenBroek as a cross-border Biosphere Reserve. KempenBroek thus becomes the first cross-border UNESCO Biosphere Area in the Benelux, the first in Belgium and the…
Vandaag besliste de Internationale Coördinerende Raad voor het Mens- en Biosfeerprogramma van UNESCO in Agadir (Marokko) om het KempenBroek te erkennen als grensoverschrijdend Biosfeergebied . Het KempenBroek wordt hiermee het eerste grensoverschrijdende UNESCO Biosfeergebied in de Benelux , het…
The political monitoring of June 2024 is an overview of the agenda items that were discussed at SBSTTA-26 and SBI-4 in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2024 The political monitoring is available here 280624_PolMon_0.pdf
From June 24 to September 24, 2024, the FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural sciences are organizing a public consultation on the draft of the 'Update of the Belgian national biodiversity strategy until 2030'. This gives you the opportunity to give…

From 17 to 19 juin 2024 the Belgian focal point for the CHM is organising a network meeting with 9 francophone African partner countries.

Participants will discuss:

  • the development of their national CHMs since 2022
  • COP15, SBSTTA 25 and 26 and SBI 4 decision that will have an impact on their

The update of the National Biodiversity Strategy aims to align Belgium’s goals with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the European Biodiversity Strategy 2030. It is a significant step towards enhancing our commitment to biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use

The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…
The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…
 "Why does nature matter to businesses, industries and others sectors? What are the opportunities, and how are businesses and others sectors responding? How can we mainstream nature-related risks indecision-making? What insights can we glean about analysing and managing risks related to nature degradation?"

This event will bring together key players in the Belgian biodiversity scene, offering an engaging program centered around current trends with a special focus on Nature-based solutions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect and explore the dynamic landscape of biodiversity in Belgium.


The political monitoring by the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity is carried out on a periodic basis, with the goal of informing about political processes related to biodiversity in Belgium and the EU: the Chamber, the Senate, the Walloon Parliament, the…
Political Monitoring - 26 January 2024 La Chambre / De Kamer 1.23/01/2024 | Commission de l'Environnement et du Climat | Commissie voor Leefmilieu and Klimaat | Page 1 Question de Mr. Senesael à Mme Khattabi sur "L'autorisation de l'utilisation du glyphosate" Vraag van Mr. Senesael Mw. Khattabi over…