Our structure and team


The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences has been assigned as National Focal Point (NFP) to the CBD. Implementing this task is done by a small team, in close collaboration with scientists and other departments of the Institute. The NFP team is part of BioPolS, RBINS’ biodiversity policy support group, which further includes, amongst others, CEBioS supporting biodiversity actions in partner countries of the Belgian Cooperation Development, and part of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, a science policy interface by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BelSPO). While part of the NFP, the CBD Clearing-House Mechanism (CHM) has extensive links with CEBioS (see below diagram).




Together these teams serve as national focal points for:

1) the subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological affairs of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SBSTTA); this subsidiary advisory body prepares decisions for the Conference of the Parties of the convention
2) the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM), an information exchange network and website
3) the Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI), in support of taxonomy, the science that describes and classifies species, an indispensible discipline for the conservation of biodiversity
4) the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
5) the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)





Hendrik Segers 
Coordinator of the NFP, National Focal Point to the CBD SBSTTA,
Chair of the Steering Group Biodiversity Convention,
Expert biodiversity science and policy
+32 2 627 43 10



Marc Peeters 
Coordinator Education and Public Awareness;
Chair of the Working Group on Pollinators
+32 2 627 45 65


Han de Koeijer
Coordinator Clearing House Mechanisme (CHM)
Contact CHM Informal Advisory Committee, CHM Network, ABS Clearing House Publishing Authority
+32 2 627 42 67


Jorge Luis Ventocilla
CO-OP4CBD Project Manager
Senior Science-Policy Officer



Marie Baeckelandt
Marine and Coastal Biodiversity National Focal Point
Biodiversity Expert
+32 474 71 88 25