Regional training, Bujumbura 2005 and 2006

Regional Training for Central Africa, 10 - 21 January 2005,
Bujumbura, Burundi

The National Focal Points to the CBD of Burundi, Rwanda and Belgium, in collaboration with the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, organised a Training entitled "Atelier de formation sous-régionale pour les gestionnaires de sites web du Centre d'échange d'informations des pays partenaires d'Afrique Centrale" in Bujumbura, Burundi, from 10 to 21 January 2005.

This training course was organised for National focal points and their direct collaborators following recommendations from the Ouagadougou workshop. The participants came from the following countries: Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda (List of participants).

The objectives of the training course were to:

  • Strengthen the human capacities of the countries by a follow-up training of the ex-trainees and also training at least 2 collaborators by country;
  • Develop a partnership that could serve as a model for other regions and conventions;
  • Stimulate cooperation between the national CHM's from the sub-region;
  • Familiarize the different participants on the use of different software programmes with the aim to provide information for the different national CHM's;
  • Update the CHM sites that were developed by the national focal points during their training in Belgium;
  • Facilitate the transfer of technology through the exchange and diffusion of information on the experiences, practices and technologies that are of interest for the conservation and sustainable utilisation of the national biodiversity;
  • Learn XML to promote the valorisation of the national biological heritage through the Internet;
  • Strengthen the capacity of the countries on databases for biodiversity.

At the end of the training the recommendations and the report of the training were adopted by all participants.

For additional  information on the workshop, you can contact the organisers by email: Han de Koeijer,, Arnaud Réveillon, and Benoît Nzigidahera,

For the participants to the workshop, photos of the workshop can be found in the photo archives by searching for Bujumbura.

Objectifs d'Aichi
19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied