Modelling Infectious Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current trends and policies implications (VLIRUOS Community talks XL)


What is this Community Talks about?

The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 highlighted the critical need for preparedness in responding to future pandemics. Effective disease control relies on the swift and accurate dissemination of information to policymakers, alongside the development of efficient intervention strategies.

Excactly 5 years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are hosting a Community Talks exploring various aspects of infectious disease, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa.

This Community Talks will feature a series of interconnected talks, each showcasing different approaches to modelling and monitoring infectious diseases.

Register here


Wednesday 19 March

10h00 – 12h30 (CET)  


This month’s speakers


Dr. Leyla Kodalci - UHasselt, Belgium

Introduction to ongoing projects and collaboration opportunities with VLIRUOS.


Dr. Isaac Singini - South African Medical Research Council, South Africa

Proportional Odds Joint Models for Survival Data:

Applications to HIV and tuberculosis co-infected patients

in the Western Cape, South Africa.


Dr. Levi Mugenyi - Makerere University, Uganda

Age-and time-dependent malaria force of infection, accounting for unobserved heterogeneity.


Prof. Khangelani Zuma - Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

HIV surveys over the past 20 years in South Africa:

What have we learned?


Prof. Niel Hens/ Prof. Ziv Shkedy - UHasselt, Belgium

Summary and future activities and plans.

19 March 2025