19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied

Item index
Official name
Knowledge improved, shared and applied

From 17 to 19 juin 2024 the Belgian focal point for the CHM is organising a network meeting with 9 francophone African partner countries.

Participants will discuss:

  • the development of their national CHMs since 2022
  • COP15, SBSTTA 25 and 26 and SBI 4 decision that will have an impact on their
On March 25 and 26, 2024, the entire biodiversity informatics community of the Benelux will come to Naturalis Biodiversity Center, in Leiden. This year's theme is connecting research and policy, through effective use of biodiversity data.

Objective 7 - Improve and communicate scientific knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services

Effective conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity requires the correct identification and spatio-temporal monitoring of all its components at all its levels of organisation, i.e. from genes to ecosystems. Adequate knowledge of the status and trends of biodiversity and of the services it provides is a prerequisite for an adaptive management of the ecosystems. Yet we are faced with many gaps in our knowledge on biodiversity primary data and on the role of taxa in ecosystem functioning.