19. Knowledge improved, shared and applied

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Official name
Knowledge improved, shared and applied
The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences will organize its fourth Theme Day on Monday 4 December 2023. The goal of this conference is to allow young researchers under the age of 40, who are active in global South countries, to meet each other, whatever their specialization, but also to let them know…

Scientists have been trying to explore the oceans in depth for centuries. But it is not that easy. After all, studying the vastness/dimensions of the ocean requires time, sophisticated equipment and a lot of funding. Measuring instruments have to withstand the immense pressure at great depths.The

In a world where all societal and scientific challenges are intertwined, it is urgent to launch multidisciplinary initiatives and projects so that scientists from different domains can collaborate. In order to carry out multidisciplinary projects, it becomes essential to develop gateways between

The UHasselt international office and VZW Students for Energy in Africa (S.E.A.) invite you to their seminar evening 'North-South | together for a sustainable world' on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 7 PM at Campus Hasselt
VLIR-UOS and UHasselt kindly invite you to the international seminar on “Global partnerships – the route to sustainable and equitable development” on Wednesday 29 March 2023 which takes place at UHasselt in Belgium in the framework of the Hasselt University network week.
The Belgian CHM partnership within the CEBioS programme of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), financed by the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) has decided to launch a call for proposals to support its partner countries boost their national CHM networks.
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Policy context and objectives

During COP12 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Decision XII/2 paragraph 15-17 called up on parties to further develop their national Clearing House Mechanisms (CHMs) and assistance from other parties to developing country Parties. This

The Innovation Fair is the opportunity for exchanging ideas and networking on digital for development. (Inter)national keynote speakers will share their insights in their respective fields of expertise and a range of exhibitors will tell you more about their work on digital advances in research, start-up activities and more.
Is development cooperation dead? Can humour change the world? How deep can democracy go? Is the climate debate the debate of the coloniser?