
Country ISO 2-letter Code
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Is UN country
Official name
Kingdom of Belgium
Protected Planet ID
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The European Commission, the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the Wildlife Conservation Society are pleased to invite you to a conference on 'Scaling up EU Impact to Combat Wildlife Trafficking - Renewing commitment through the revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking 2022 - 2027'.
Discover the latest political discussions on biodiversity issues in the Belgian and European parliaments. La Chambre / De Kamer 1. 15/06/2023 | Séance plénière | Page 4 Questions jointes de Barbara Creemers et Kurt Ravyts à Alexander De Croo sur "Le positionnement belge concernant la loi…
VLIR-UOS Community talk: "Todos por Chaparri” Socio-environmental justice and community empowerment in the Chaparri Nature Reserve, Peru
The FPS Health will be hosting the event ‘New Genomic Techniques – State of Play’ the 21st of June from 9 AM – 5 PM, at Residence Palace (Wetstraat 155, 1040 Brussel).
The United Nations has designated May 22 as the International Day for Biological Diversity to promote knowledge and consciousness about biodiversity concerns. Learn about the efforts made by various Belgian organisations and authorities in preserving biodiversity in our press release: PR_IDB_2023_FR…
Document type
Publication date (of file/URL)
17 May 2023

The Protocol of Cooperation between the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) aims to contribute through its programme CEBioS to a better knowledge of biodiversity linked to sustainable development and to reach a better implementation of

Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
5 May 1998
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
17 August 2001
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
7 September 2005
Document type
National Report
Publication date (of file/URL)
5 October 2009