
Third Workshop on preventing the emergence of zoonotic diseases. The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss the outcome of the workshops organised during the first half of 2023, in particular the outcome of the 2nd workshop.

Funded by DGD, the KLIMSEC team is conducting policy supporting research on the topic of climate and security. Indeed climate change can be a trigger to conflict and vice versa, conflict can induce environmental degradation and climate change. KLIMSEC will organize a series of seminars in the

The high-level political segment, under the leadership of President Iván Duque Márquez, will consist of a virtual format with Heads of State and Government.
Quelle est la situation de la biodiversité, quels sont les enjeux et les résultats de la COP-15, quel est le rôle des Nations Unies, des autorités belges et de la société civile dans leur mise en œuvre ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l’APNU et l’UNRIC vous invitent à la conférence / débat qui aura lieu le 8 février 2023 à 18h00
The conference aims at bringing together relevant actors in the field of conservation research and policy