Informer et sensibiliser les décideurs politiques et leaders d’opinion au Niger sur le CHM
- Transfer of the remaining information from the first CHM site to the PTK site and update this information. This action is a continued action from the 2007 project and doesn't need new funding.
- Organise a public awareness campaign for the politic and religish leaders on the Convention and the CHM. This will be done so they will put more importance on biodiversity and to establish regional CHMs. Niger has four clear ecological distinct regions with each a different rich and varied biodiversity. The two categories that the campaign aims to earch have got a lot of influence on the policy makers.
- Develop a thematic section for youngsters to raise awareness the decision makers of tomorrow on the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity towards a sustainable development.
The results of the project can be seen on the following URL: