"Transfert des informations du site Frontpage vers le site PTK" Bénin
Project submitted by the CHM national focal point of Bénin under the call for project "reinforcement of national CHMs, small grants"
The project submitted by Benin had the intention to transfer all information that was available on the old CHM site to the new site running under the EC CHM Portal Toolkit. Also the information would be updated and new information made available. The project would be closed by an event to present the new CHM to all partners and ask for their comments and inputs to the site.
At the moment of signing the contract for this project the Ministry was being reorganised. The person that was normaly responsable for signing the contract was reaffected elsewhere. It took some time before the new person was nominated and in place. Due to this the project could not start on time. The time remaining was too short to start and finalise the project on time, and it was therefore decided to abandon the project and submit it a new the next call for projects.