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Three questions to Lino Paoletti, UN Youth Delegate Biodiversity 1. What does being a UN youth delegate on biodiversity entails ? Being a UNYD on biodiversity forced me to dive into the world of other living beings. I am convinced that if you want to protect something, you have to understand it the…
Three questions to Kelly Hertenweg, FPS Public Health 1. Could you describe your role & work with regard to the preparation of COP15 within the BE delegation? I am involved in different manners; As the lead author for the agenda item on Cooperation with other conventions. I am part of the Core Group…
Three questions to Fanny Coppens, Scientist at Sciensano 1. What is biosafety? Under the CBD it is the safe handling and use of "living modified organisms" (LMOs), with a focus on the conservation of biological diversity. LMOs are organisms where the genetic material was modified through the use of…
Catherine picture
Three questions to Catherine Debruyne, Service Public de Wallonie ( SPW ) 1.What is the Global Biodiversity Framework post-2020? The framework must aim to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and achieve recovery by 2050 It is a set of 4 goals (A-D) and about 21 targets GBF is divided into sections…
Monitoring - 18th of October 2022 PARLEMENT DE WALLONIE 1. 05/10/2022 | Séance Plénière | Page 20 Question de M. Florent à Mme Tellier, sur « l a cohabitation avec les loups » 2. 05/10/2021 | Séance Plénière | Page 43 Projet de motion adopté sur « la nécessité pour la Belgique de réduire de 58% son…
IUCN’s International Policy Centre’s series of webinars will present key priorities for the post-2020 framework, unpack certain elements in the current Goals and Targets, emphasising their scientific underpinnings, and provide a space for discussion among negotiators, experts and key stakeholders.
The Innovation Fair is the opportunity for exchanging ideas and networking on digital for development. (Inter)national keynote speakers will share their insights in their respective fields of expertise and a range of exhibitors will tell you more about their work on digital advances in research, start-up activities and more.
The BBNJ treaty also known as the “Treaty of the High Seas”, is an international agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. This new instrument is being developed within the framework of the United Convention on the Law of…
Change of hosting country for COP15
Initially, the UN discussions aimed at striking a deal about the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework were planned in Kunming, China. Due to the China’s zero-Covid policy, the negotiations to set the global policy for the next decade will be held in Montreal, Canada, between December 5-17. China…
Ninth session of the Plenary of IPBES, 3 to 9 July 2022
The ninth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ( IPBES 9 ) is planned to be held in Bonn, Germany, from 3 to 9 July 2022 . IPBES is unique – harnessing the best expertise from across all scientific disciplines and knowledge…
Political Monitoring of 23 June is out ! You can find the PDF version here De Kamer / La Chambre 1. 14/06/2022 | Environment committee | Question on page 9 Question de Patrick Prévot à Zakia Khattabi sur " Le commerce d'insectes" Vraag van Patrick Prévot aan Zakia Khattabi over "De handel in…
Biodiversity questions and discussions in Belgian and European Parliaments
Registrations and abstract submissions for the 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin are now open!  With great pleasure we would like to invite you at the 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, which will take place on March 6-10, 2023 in Kisangani, DR Congo.
For the occasion of the International Day for Biodiversity, the Jane Goodall Institute Belgium in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences are delighted to invite you to visit the Museum and the screening of the film ANIMAL on May 22nd, 2022. ANIMAL is the much acclaimed documentary of Cyril Dion investigating our relationship with the living world.
The Political Monitoring is available here . (PDF version) La Chambre / De Kamer 1. 22/03/2022 | Environment committee | Question on page 1 Question de Kris Verduyckt à Vincent Van Quickenborne sur " Le plan d'action pour lutter contre le commerce illégal de viande d'animaux sauvages " Vraag van…
Is development cooperation dead? Can humour change the world? How deep can democracy go? Is the climate debate the debate of the coloniser?
The Royal Belgian institute for Natural Sciences, Belgian focal point for the CHM, is hosting the jury meeting that will decide on the winners for the COP15 CHM award, from 12 till 14 April 2022. The winners will be announced during COP15 that will take place in Kunming, China in the third quarter…
The consequences of climate change are increasingly felt across the world. Nature-based solutions, which consists of using natural resources to tackle environmental challenges, have an enormous (and still relatively unexplored) potential to reduce the impact of such disasters, while simultaneously providing environmental, social, and economic benefits and helping build resilience.

The Botanical Garden Meise organises a day activity with a scientific and a family part, in other words partners and children (young and old) are also welcome.

For the scientific part, a number of lectures about the thematic of coffee are planned. Strong coffee! is also the theme of the

Discover latest biodiversity questions and discussions!
Webinar 4 will explore ‘WTO initiatives on environment & sustainable development: windows of opportunity for biodiversity’ and will provide an update on the state of play on environment-related discussions at the WTO, including new initiatives on environment and sustainable development. It focuses on exploring the opportunities these discussions and initiatives can offer in the intersection of trade, SDGs and the global biodiversity agenda.
This year, we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Habitats Directive, Europe’s historical key legal instrument in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. In the past three decades, much has been achieved for biodiversity in Europe, but much more need to be done. The European Commission recently developed criteria and guidance to reach the 30×30 target of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, in line with the global targets proposed to the 15th Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and with the objectives of the Bern Convention.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) invite you to join a virtual dialogue on 3rd March 2022 / 2:00-4:00 pm CET (World Wildlife Day) that will present lessons learned and discuss challenges and opportunities for a renewed EU Action Plan to tackle wildlife trafficking, including how the EU can support the fight against wildlife trafficking in the field in partner countries.
Coordinator Belgian Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)
Latest biodiversity related parliamentary questions and discussions