1. Awareness increased

Item index
Official name
Awareness increased

Objective 4.1.1 - Identify and promote good practices involving the sustainable use of biodiversity.

Existing good practices involving sustainable use of biodiversity in various areas of activity (agriculture, fishery, forestry, hunting, tourism, etc.) must be identified, compiled and made widely accessible. Furthermore, bad practices (and lessons learnt) also need to be highlighted and publicised widely.

The establishment of such compilation documents will be compulsory for the stakeholders (farmers, fishermen, hunters, etc.) and will represent a significant step forward towards sustainable use of our biodiversity.

Objective 4.2.1 - Avoid or minimise the risk to biodiversity posed by production and consumption, products and services.

Products and good practices that have a positive impact on biodiversity have to be promoted to the entire chain from producers to consumers. Unsustainable production and consumption patterns (food, energy, water, travel, waste, etc.) need to be changed, for example through eco-design, eco-performance and appropriate product standardisation. Consumers can impact on biodiversity by adapting their consumption patterns (for example by opting for certified products, by consuming local and diversified products or by deciding not to consume specific products).

Objective 4.6.1 - Promote the conservation of forest biodiversity through independent credible forest certification systems that provide a guarantee for sustainable forest management.

This operational objective supports the use of sustainable (certified) timber products and the promotion of credible certification systems. This can be achieved, for example, by actions in several fields such as public procurements policy or public and forest owner’s awareness activities.