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Kingdom of Belgium
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Three questions to Catherine Debruyne, Service Public de Wallonie ( SPW ) 1.What is the Global Biodiversity Framework post-2020? The framework must aim to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and achieve recovery by 2050 It is a set of 4 goals (A-D) and about 21 targets GBF is divided into sections…
Monitoring - 18th of October 2022 PARLEMENT DE WALLONIE 1. 05/10/2022 | Séance Plénière | Page 20 Question de M. Florent à Mme Tellier, sur « l a cohabitation avec les loups » 2. 05/10/2021 | Séance Plénière | Page 43 Projet de motion adopté sur « la nécessité pour la Belgique de réduire de 58% son…
The Innovation Fair is the opportunity for exchanging ideas and networking on digital for development. (Inter)national keynote speakers will share their insights in their respective fields of expertise and a range of exhibitors will tell you more about their work on digital advances in research, start-up activities and more.
Political Monitoring of 23 June is out ! You can find the PDF version here De Kamer / La Chambre 1. 14/06/2022 | Environment committee | Question on page 9 Question de Patrick Prévot à Zakia Khattabi sur " Le commerce d'insectes" Vraag van Patrick Prévot aan Zakia Khattabi over "De handel in…
Biodiversity questions and discussions in Belgian and European Parliaments
For the occasion of the International Day for Biodiversity, the Jane Goodall Institute Belgium in collaboration with the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences are delighted to invite you to visit the Museum and the screening of the film ANIMAL on May 22nd, 2022. ANIMAL is the much acclaimed documentary of Cyril Dion investigating our relationship with the living world.
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9 May 2022

The Protocol of Cooperation between the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD) and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) aims to contribute through its programme CEBioS to a better knowledge of biodiversity linked to sustainable development and to reach a better implementation of

The Political Monitoring is available here . (PDF version) La Chambre / De Kamer 1. 22/03/2022 | Environment committee | Question on page 1 Question de Kris Verduyckt à Vincent Van Quickenborne sur " Le plan d'action pour lutter contre le commerce illégal de viande d'animaux sauvages " Vraag van…
Is development cooperation dead? Can humour change the world? How deep can democracy go? Is the climate debate the debate of the coloniser?
The Royal Belgian institute for Natural Sciences, Belgian focal point for the CHM, is hosting the jury meeting that will decide on the winners for the COP15 CHM award, from 12 till 14 April 2022. The winners will be announced during COP15 that will take place in Kunming, China in the third quarter…