Getting prices right
Cet événement s’inscrit dans le cadre des premiers résultats d’une étude menée par l’IEEP, « Green taxation to build fairer, more resilient economies »
De Belgische milieuprestaties onder de loep
Picture for the save the date
Virtual conference organised by Dr. Zacharopoulou, EU Parliament Rapporteur for the new EU-Africa Stratey, and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).
Virtual informal session
Virtual informal session
Biodiversity politics in belgian parliaments

Funded by DGD, the KLIMSEC team is conducting policy supporting research on the topic of climate and security. Indeed climate change can be a trigger to conflict and vice versa, conflict can induce environmental degradation and climate change. KLIMSEC will organize a series of seminars in the

More than 800 events are planned around the world to celebrate water, wetlands and life.

Four briefing webinars are planned as follows:

Briefing Webinar 1 on Tuesday, 19 January 2021. SBI 3 agenda item 5: relating to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework process.

Briefing Webinar 2 on Thursday, 21 January 2021. SBI 3 agenda item 9: on enhancing reporting and review

Is biodiversity really on the agenda in 2021in the various Belgian parliaments?