Title | Rationale | Aichi targets |
Objective 14 - Promote the commitment of cities, provinces and other local authorities in the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy 2020 | The stakeholders involved in the implementation of this objective are: the regional and local authorities (including the provinces and municipalities), the nature conservation agencies, actors involved in local Agenda 21 programmes and other local programmes and plans, professional federations active in the sector, the general public and any association working towards the same goal as the NBS. |
Objective 14.1 - Encourage local authorities to develop and implement local biodiversity strategies and related action plans. |
The commitment of cities, provinces and other local authorities is crucial to the achievement of the objectives of the National Biodiversity Strategy at all levels. Local action could be facilitated through the enhancement and dissemination of appropriate policy tools and guidelines, and the diffusion of best practices supporting the multifunctional use of natural spaces. In particular, biodiversity concerns should be integrated into existing local action plans, like the Local Agendas 21, communal plans for rural development, as well as in plans that are being developed. Capacity-building programmes and exchange platforms can provide appropriate technical assistance and/or guidance. Awareness-raising campaigns for local residents on the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services, and appropriate subsidies for local authorities should be put in place to stimulate and support local commitment to biodiversity. The importance of a bottom- up information flow is crucial as residents are good reporters of their environment. This can be promoted for example through the organization of events or above-mentioned exchange platforms to collect observations on specific themes related to biodiversity. Cities and local authorities are encouraged to monitor and report on their progress by means of standardized biodiversity indices, such as the city biodiversity index (CBI). |
Objective 15 - Ensure the provision of adequate resources for biodiversity |
Belgium has committed itself at international and European level to the implementation of the Convention on Biodiversity and its Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (SP). This includes financial support both with regard to adequately financing our own national efforts as well as supporting developing countries to implement the CBD. |
20. Financial resources from all sources increased |
Objective 15.1 - By 2020 at the latest, the mobilization of financial resources for biodiversity from all sources (including possible innovative financial mechanisms) should increase substantially compared to the average annual biodiversity funding for |
This objective covers both national and global financing for biodiversity and is based on Articles 20.1 – 20.4 of the CBD. It is close to the wording of Aichi Target 20 which was based on Article 20 and which is globally the politically most recognized commitment. The implementation of the Strategic Plan with its Aichi Targets is guiding all biodiversity efforts during the UN Decade, as decided by the United Nations General Assembly in resolutions 65/161 and 67/212. Target 20 was confirmed at EU level through the Council Conclusions of December 2010 (§9) and of June 2011 (§16) and also referred to the need to deliver on the CBD Strategy for Resource Mobilisation. The Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets became the basis for the EU Biodiversity Strategy and in particular Targets 1 (Act. 2 - financing Natura 2000) and 6 (Act. 18 - link to CBD COP-11) directly support Operational Objective 15.1. |
20. Financial resources from all sources increased |
Objective 15.2 - Fully use existing EU financing instruments to promote biodiversity. |
This objective supports Aichi Targets 2, 3 and 20. At EU level, again Targets 1 (Act. 2) and 6 (Act 18) are directly linked. The EU CCs of June 2011 (§13) stressed the need to mobilise additional resources from all possible sources and ensure adequate funding through, inter alia, the future EU financial framework, national sources and innovative financial mechanisms, as appropriate, for the effective implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, including predictable, adequate and regular financing for the Natura 2000 network. |
2. Biodiversity values integrated |
Objective 15.3 - By 2015, contribute towards the doubling of the total biodiversity-related financial resource flows to developing countries and at least maintain this level until 2020, including through a country-driven prioritization of biodiversity w |
The justification for this kind of target is in CBD Article 20, paragraphs 1 to 4. At COP-11 (Hyderabad, October 2012), the Parties decided to add this specific target to implement their commitments under CBD Article 20, the Resource Mobilization Strategy and Aichi Target 20 (COP-11/4, §7). |
20. Financial resources from all sources increased |
Objective 15.4 - By 2020, support, as appropriate, developing countries to enhance institutional, national, administrative and managerial capacities, in order to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of international and national financial flows |
This objective was already included in the CBD Resource Mobilisation Strategy COP9/11 (§6) and repeated in paragraph 14 of decision COP-11/4 in order to create the enabling environment to mobilize private and public-sector investments in biological diversity and its associated ecosystem services. |
20. Financial resources from all sources increased |
Objective 2 - Investigate and monitor the effects of threatening processes and activities and their causes | The major processes that constitute a threat to, or are likely to have significant adverse impacts on, biodiversity are identified in part I.4. These processes and the activities impacting directly on biodiversity must be further investigated and their effects monitored through sampling and other techniques. Their causes must be identified and monitored on a regular basis (see also operational objective 7.3). |
Objective 2.1 - Investigate and monitor the effects and causes of activities and processes, including new and emerging risks, that threaten components of biodiversity in Belgium |
Identifying new and emerging risks as early as possible is a precondition for early action. Much can be done to avert loss of biodiversity if adequate information on potential threats is available. It is necessary to further investigate the impact on biodiversity of human activities and of threats arising from natural causes, as well as relations between those processes and activities in order to take the most appropriate measures to minimise their impacts. Particular attention must be paid to the potential risks to biodiversity posed by the development and use of new technologies, their processes and products. For instance, attention should be paid to the potentially negative impacts of nanotechnologies on biodiversity, to the use of GMOs in agriculture, forestry and fishery - detailed in Objective 4 - as well as other GMOs developed as bioindicators or bioremediators, GM cattle, domestic animals, decorative plants, or GM microorganisms and viruses used as pest regulators in agriculture, etc.). Among their potential negative impacts: the spread of invasive alien species, the threat to non-target organisms by GMOs producing specific pesticides, unforeseen interactions with biodiversity, or the ecosystem disequilibrium caused by the large-scale diffusion of such organisms. The development of new, not yet marketed genetic transformation techniques, like synthetic biology, should be carefully accompanied by, a. o., thorough EIA procedures and the elaboration and implementation of adequate regulations by the community involved in biodiversity preservation. The biodiversity research community has a role to play in identifying emerging issues and delivering relevant biodiversity policy information. When considering the various potential impacts of these emerging risks, attention should be paid not only to impacts on specific components of biodiversity but also to community structures and global ecosystem functions and services and to the links between biodiversity and health, in particular to risks to health. |
10. Pressures on vulnerable ecosystems reduced |
Objective 2.2 - Investigate and monitor the effects of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem services |
As highlighted in Part I, some effects of climate change on biodiversity are already obvious. They are likely to increase further because of the projected rise in temperature. Climate change constitutes a direct threat to biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services as it disrupts ecological relations, unbalancing ecosystem functioning; it increases the impact of invasive alien species, causes disturbance to the lifecycle of some species and migration or disappearance of others, and can affect specific ecosystem services such as water regulation, nutrient cycling, food provision. Populations of Northern species tend to move northwards or disappear altogether (e.g. plant species), not having been able to adapt to climate change. Terrestrial ecosystems are mainly affected in terms of plant phenology and distribution of plant and animal species, with specialist species being most at risk. Even if society substantially reduces its emissions of greenhouse gases over the coming decades, the climate system is projected to continue to change in centuries to come. We therefore have to prepare for and adapt to the consequences of some inevitable climate change, in addition to mitigation measures. To prevent or limit severe damage to the environment, society and economies, adaptation strategies for affected systems must be developed at national, regional and local level. In 2010, Belgium adopted its national climate adaptation strategy. It has 3 objectives: · to improve the coherence between existing adaptation activities in Belgium (assessing the impacts of climate change, vulnerability to climate change and adaptation measures already implemented); · to improve communication at national, European and international levels; · to initiate a process to develop a national action plan. The Strategy summarizes the expected impacts of climate change in Belgium in several areas including biodiversity and gives an overview of the adaptation measures that have already been made in these areas as well as two cross-cutting areas: research and international cooperation. This strategy has initiated the process of developing a National Adaptation Plan. In this context, the different levels of government (Federal Government, Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels-Capital) have carried out studies in order to prepare future Federal/Regional adaptation plans that will provide the baseline for the national adaptation plan. Regional studies have led to the development of regional climate projections and to provide information on sectoral vulnerability to future climate conditions. The Flemish Region has published in 2013 the regional plan for adaptation to climate change (Het Vlaams Klimaatbeleidsplan 2013-2020). The Walloon Region adopted in 2007 the Walloon Plan ‘Air-Climate’. Brussels-Capital Region approved in September 2013 the proposal of pre-project for the regional plan air-climate-energy. |
10. Pressures on vulnerable ecosystems reduced |