Focal Points installed under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) operate far from the spotlights of the media, making their activities often ill-known by the broad public.
To alter this unlucky situation the Belgian CBD National Focal Point has opted to clear its rationale, its functioning and its products through an online open-access series entitled News Bulletin of the Belgian CBD NFP. The series is available only in English.
We expect to publish our bulletin on an annual basis, but do not exclude occasional advance releases to share breaking news, announce special events or introduce particular topics to our readers.
We hope that our News Bulletin will find its way to decision makers, natural resource managers, conservationists, the media and other stakeholders in the fields of biodiversity, nature conservation and sustainable development.
We also hope that this News Bulletin may inspire other CBD Focal Points to publicise their actions. Ultimately, a better communication between Focal Points will serve as a catalyser for a greater awareness to the CBD and consequently a better implementation of this umbrella international agreement, i.e. the Convention on Life on Earth.
Parties interested to get notification of forthcoming issues can mail to:
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