
Belgian parliaments are discussing interesting topics ahead of CBD COP15: Plan Bee, COP17, Pesticides,... Have a look: here
arnaud goessens
Three questions to Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director for EU Policy at the Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS ) 1. What are the main challenges and opportunities in your daily work? The biggest challenge is maintaining biodiversity high on the political agenda in the face of so many other…
Three questions to Lino Paoletti, UN Youth Delegate Biodiversity 1. What does being a UN youth delegate on biodiversity entails ? Being a UNYD on biodiversity forced me to dive into the world of other living beings. I am convinced that if you want to protect something, you have to understand it the…
Three questions to Kelly Hertenweg, FPS Public Health 1. Could you describe your role & work with regard to the preparation of COP15 within the BE delegation? I am involved in different manners; As the lead author for the agenda item on Cooperation with other conventions. I am part of the Core Group…
Three questions to Fanny Coppens, Scientist at Sciensano 1. What is biosafety? Under the CBD it is the safe handling and use of "living modified organisms" (LMOs), with a focus on the conservation of biological diversity. LMOs are organisms where the genetic material was modified through the use of…
Getting the prices right: The role of environmental taxes
Cet événement s’inscrit dans le cadre des premiers résultats d’une étude menée par l’IEEP, « Green taxation to build fairer, more resilient economies »
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) invite you to join a virtual dialogue on 3rd March 2022 / 2:00-4:00 pm CET (World Wildlife Day) that will present lessons learned and discuss challenges and opportunities for a renewed EU Action Plan to tackle wildlife trafficking, including how the EU can support the fight against wildlife trafficking in the field in partner countries.
The UHasselt international office and VZW Students for Energy in Africa (S.E.A.) invite you to their seminar evening 'North-South | together for a sustainable world' on Tuesday 28 March 2023 at 7 PM at Campus Hasselt
 "Why does nature matter to businesses, industries and others sectors? What are the opportunities, and how are businesses and others sectors responding? How can we mainstream nature-related risks indecision-making? What insights can we glean about analysing and managing risks related to nature degradation?"
Post 2020 biodiversity Framework
the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support will facilitate informal conversations to bring forward the topic of Resource Mobilization for Biodiversity and set the foundation of an ambitious Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework across an online webinar.