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CHM website project
First page (synthesis)
- Call: CHM website
- Title of the project
- Country
- Length of project
- Promoter institution
- Complete contact information of promoter institution
- Implementing body (optional)
- Contact person and its contact information
- Budget requested
- Amount of the local contribution
Rest of the document (10-15 pages maximum)
- Summary (250-300 words)
- Context
- Objectives (overall, specific objective(s))
- Activities and expected results
- Necessary infrastructure and human resources
- Durability and impacts of the projects
- Potential risks associated to the project
- Detailed budget indicating the contributions by RBINS and by the partner
- Duration and timeline of activities
- Follow-up and evaluation of the project, including objectively verifiable indicators taking into account the CEBioS indicators also
- Sustainability of activities
- Logical framework.