Getting the prices right: The role of environmental taxes

The institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), on behalf of the Directorate-General for the Environment, European Commission, is pleased to invite you to a workshop to discuss ‘Getting the prices right – the role of environmental taxes’.  The workshop is one of three taking place to share emerging findings from a study funded by the European Parliament and being undertaken for the European Commission by an IEEP-led consortium.  It will take place online between 10.30 and 13.30 CET on 9 March. 

Register here

It follows the high-level event Getting the Prices Right – how green taxation can build fairer, more resilient economies held on 4 February of which a recording is here. The event is aimed at officials in Member States’ Environment, Finance and Economics Ministries, but is open to other stakeholders.

This event will share findings from the study about the potential for a greater use of environmental taxes, drawing on experience in Member States who have successfully done so.  It will feature three taxes – on pesticides, landfill/incineration and on NOx emissions to air. None of these taxes is yet widely applied in the EU, despite a proven track record of delivery in Member States who do apply them.

The aim is to share details of how design features in the taxes under discussion help to achieve environmental objectives: How to ensure that a pesticide tax bears down hardest on the most harmful pesticides. How to design a tax on waste disposal which changes behaviour by providing the right incentives for recycling. And how to design an NOx emissions tax to decrease air pollution. The keynote presentation will be from Mikael Skou Andersen of Aarhus University and will discuss Denmark’s experience of introducing the EU’s only pesticides tax. There will follow shorter presentations on the design of landfill and incineration taxes, and taxes on NOx emissions to air. Contributions from IEEP and DG Environment will discuss findings from the wider study on the role of environmental taxes in wider economic reconstruction, and how the Commission can support Member States in their work. There will be an opportunity for questions after each of the presentations.

To register, please use the following link.


Getting the prices right: The role of environmental taxes


Introduction and meeting etiquette

David Mottershead, IEEP


Findings from the wider study:  environmental taxes as part of a fair and resilient economy

David Mottershead IEEP/Steve White, European Commission


Denmark’s experience with a pesticide tax

Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus University


Taxes on NOx emissions to air, landfill and incineration

Sander de Bruyn, CE Delft and Tanzir Chowdhury, Eunomia


Taking it forward – how the Commission can help

Mirka Janda, European Commission


Concluding remarks

David Mottershead, IEEP


Getting the prices right: The role of environmental taxes
09 March 2021