Briefing: WTO initiatives on environment & sustainable development: windows of opportunity for biodiversity
We are pleased to invite you to the fourth session of the webinar series ‘Trade and Nature: Trade-offs and Solutions’ by the GCRF Trade, Development and the Environment Hub.
Webinar 4 will explore ‘WTO initiatives on environment & sustainable development: windows of opportunity for biodiversity’ and will provide an update on the state of play on environment-related discussions at the WTO, including new initiatives on environment and sustainable development. It focuses on exploring the opportunities these discussions and initiatives can offer in the intersection of trade, SDGs and the global biodiversity agenda.
Confirmed speakers:
Carolyn Deere Birkbeck, Director, Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs (TESS)
Beatriz Fernandez, Associate Programme Management Officer, Environment and Trade, UNEP
Sophia Murphy, Executive Director, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)
Lorena Jeramillo Castro, BioTrade Initiative, UNCTAD
Lisen Runsten, Senior Project Manager, GCRF TRADE Hub (UNEP-WCMC)
TBC representative, International Trade Centre (ITC)
Moderated by: Marianne Kettunen, Senior Policy Advisor and Head of Partnerships, Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs (TESS)
This event is part of the the TRADE Hub international webinar series that aims to disseminate the project’s key findings under certain key themes to a wider audience and to provide a discussion platform with key stakeholders worldwide.
Objectives of the webinar series
• To identify and share case studies from our focal countries, emphasising gaps in understanding trade and it’s social and environmental implications, and how these are being addressed within the TRADE Hub
• To present recent findings and methods of the project
• To clarify the boundaries of the intractable challenge that the TRADE Hub is addressing, and demonstrate how we have created impact, and the plans to continue building on this impact