Invitation Stakeholders dialogue XXXV
A digital Europe was one of the pillars of the last German EU Presidency and this has led to several initiatives to reflect on the potential of these technologies. In December 2020, this resulted in the adoption of new Council conclusions for a digital transformation and green transition.
Given the impact of this digital transformation and what it may mean for the way in which the challenges of the green transition will be addressed, this topic will be the central theme of the 35th edition of our Stakeholders' Dialogue, which will take place on Thursday 21 January 2021.
This edition will consist of two sessions, the first of which will include the traditional presentations on European and multilateral priorities for the first half of 2021.
The second session will build on the recent Council conclusions on digital transformation and green transition. Several regional speakers, from the German Presidency and the Commission will explain the background and the results of these Council conclusions. Finally, it will also look at the future challenges of digitisation in the context of the European "Green Deal" and how these challenges manifest themselves at the regional level.
The agenda for the event is attached, the dialogue will start at 9.00 and end at 12.05.
Due to the health measures put in place for the events, this edition of the Stakeholder Dialogue will take place in a virtual format. You can register for our Stakeholder Dialogue by sending an e-mail to the CCPIE secretariat, this will be possible until 18/01. Those who have registered will receive after this date a link to participate in the Stakeholders Dialogue, this event will be organised via the GoToMeeting application.
Speakers will give their presentations in French, Dutch or English (without translation).
For this edition, the CCPIE offers to all its stakeholders the possibility to send their questions to the speakers in writing in advance, you can send these questions to the CCPIE secretariat until 18/01.