Natura 2000 Brussels: Ir Ben Van der Wijden


Leefmilieu Brussel - BIM / Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE
Afd. Groene ruimten
Dpt. Biodiversiteit
Thurn & Taxis-site
Havenlaan 86C/3000 B-1000 Brussel

Tel: +32 2 7757901
E-mail: bvanderwijden<at>

Natura 2000 Flanders: Dr Els Martens


Coordination Policy Division
Agency for Nature and Forest, Flemish Government
Koning Albert II Laan 20 Bus 8
B 1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 553 76 86
Fax: +32 2 553 76 85

E-mail: els.martens[at]


Natura 2000 Wallonia: M. Honoré Tomy Tchatchou

Address: DGARNE

Wildlife Directorate
Wildlife and Forestry department of the Walloon Public Service

Avenue Prince de Liège 7
5100 Jambes

Tel: +32 81 33 58 55
Fax: +32 81 33 58 22

E-mail: honore.tchatchoutomy<at>

Natura 2000