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Aujourd'hui à Agadir (Maroc), le Conseil international de coordination du Programme de l' UNESCO sur l'homme et la biosphère a décidé de reconnaître la KempenBroek comme réserve de biosphère transfrontalière…
Today in Agadir (Morocco), the International Coordinating Council for the UNESCO Human and Biosphere Programme decided to recognise KempenBroek as a cross-border Biosphere Reserve. KempenBroek thus becomes the…
Vandaag besliste de Internationale Coördinerende Raad voor het Mens- en Biosfeerprogramma van UNESCO in Agadir (Marokko) om het KempenBroek te erkennen als grensoverschrijdend Biosfeergebied . Het KempenBroek…
The political monitoring of June 2024 is an overview of the agenda items that were discussed at SBSTTA-26 and SBI-4 in Nairobi, Kenya in May 2024 The political monitoring is available here 280624_PolMon_0.pdf
From June 24 to September 24, 2024, the FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural sciences are organizing a public consultation on the draft of the 'Update of the…