Multidisciplinary Workshop Water, a Critical Resource
Palais des Académies – Paleis der Academiën Rue Ducale 1 – Hertogsstraat 1
1000 Brussels
Brussels, Monday 1 December 2025
First Announcement and Call for Contributions
Venue: Palais des Académies – Paleis der Academiën Rue Ducale 1 – Hertogsstraat 1 1000 Brussels
The Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences will organize its sixth Theme Day on Monday 1 December 2025. The goal of this conference is to allow researchers, who are active in overseas countries, to meet each other, whatever their specialization, but also to let them know the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences and its activities ( We warmly encourage lectures from young researchers, in the form of oral presentations or posters. Abstracts may be submitted in English, French or Dutch, but preferably in English.
Registration fee:
- 20 € for participants.
- Free for members of academies (RAOS, ARB, KVAB, ASOM, …).
- Free for students and PhD applicants (scan of the student card required).
The topic of the 2025 Theme Day is “Water, a critical resource”.
Water is a critical resource for humankind and the future of our planet. Socio- economic development, in particular, is a “thirsty business”, either for mining, manufacturing or even information technology. Besides, water is essential for food production, the preservation of ecosystems and, ultimately, for the survival of human beings and animals. Although water is our largest natural resource, it's both finite and irreplaceable. Moreover, the demand for freshwater is expected to exceed supply by 40% by the end of the decade. Achieving universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all, is at the very heart of sustainable development (SDG no 6). Hence it is also a challenge for the international community involved in training, research and innovation. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): water, source of life, drinking water and water quality, water use efficiency, water diplomacy, water transport, water energy, water pollution, ecosystem services,…