Belgian One World One Health Vision 3rd workshop
FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment Galileelaan-Avenue Galilée 5/2
1210 Brussels
The Belgian PREZODE Expert Group supported by the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and Sciensano, is inviting you to join its third Workshop on preventing the emergence of zoonotic diseases. The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss the outcome of the workshops organised during the first half of 2023, in particular the outcome of the 2nd workshop.
Preliminary programme
09:30 Opening of the 3rd workshop
09:35 Welcome
09:50 One Health Directorate, DG SANTE, EC (tbc)
10:15 PREZODE activities at international level
10:40 Draft policy paper Belgium
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Discussion round
12:30 Closure
12:40 Lunch
14:00 End of the 3rd workshop
The workshop is open to experts in the fields of environment, animal health, human health, science policy, and scientific research.
Participation is free, but registration is required.
This workshop can be attended in person only.
Please register by September 27th.
For more information please contact
(co-chair of the BE PREZODE Expert Group, One Health Science officer)
(current co-chair a.i. of the BE PREZODE Expert Group, Biodiversity Senior Officer).