Les enjeux de transition écologique et du développement durable (DD) sont, plus que jamais, au cœur des discussions sur l’élaboration de plans stratégiques au sein des établissements d’enseignement supérieur en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB). Que ce soit au niveau du monde politique, des associations ou des établissements, l’urgence en la matière est sur les lèvres de tous les acteurs et actrices de l’enseignement.
with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium, we will explore and learn more about the exciting potential of Behavioral Science in transforming our agrifood systems
Biodiversity Spring Market 2023
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform is happy to invite you to the 8th edition of the Biodiversity Market (formally known as the BEES Market). The 2023 theme is: Discover the Belgian Biodiversity Monitoring Landscape
Quelle est la situation de la biodiversité, quels sont les enjeux et les résultats de la COP-15, quel est le rôle des Nations Unies, des autorités belges et de la société civile dans leur mise en œuvre ? Pour répondre à ces questions, l’APNU et l’UNRIC vous invitent à la conférence / débat qui aura lieu le 8 février 2023 à 18h00
Three questions to Laurence Drèze, Biodiversity Policy Officer at WWF Belgium 1. What are the main challenges and opportunities in your daily work? As biodiversity policy officer, I’m following the international, European and Walloon biodiversity files to advocate for WWF’s mission: act to stop the…
Belgian parliaments are discussing interesting topics ahead of CBD COP15: Plan Bee, COP17, Pesticides,... Have a look: here
arnaud goessens
Three questions to Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director for EU Policy at the Wildlife Conservation Society ( WCS ) 1. What are the main challenges and opportunities in your daily work? The biggest challenge is maintaining biodiversity high on the political agenda in the face of so many other…
Three questions to Lino Paoletti, UN Youth Delegate Biodiversity 1. What does being a UN youth delegate on biodiversity entails ? Being a UNYD on biodiversity forced me to dive into the world of other living beings. I am convinced that if you want to protect something, you have to understand it the…
Three questions to Kelly Hertenweg, FPS Public Health 1. Could you describe your role & work with regard to the preparation of COP15 within the BE delegation? I am involved in different manners; As the lead author for the agenda item on Cooperation with other conventions. I am part of the Core Group…
Three questions to Fanny Coppens, Scientist at Sciensano 1. What is biosafety? Under the CBD it is the safe handling and use of "living modified organisms" (LMOs), with a focus on the conservation of biological diversity. LMOs are organisms where the genetic material was modified through the use of…