Collaborative Research Network:
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
General e-mail:

Contact point for the Flemish Region:

  • Dr Jurgen Tack, Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek
    Kliniekstraat 25
    B-1070 Brussels (Belgium)
    Tel.: +32 2 558 18 61
    Fax: +32 2 558 18 05
    E-mail: jurgen.tack<at>

Contact points for the Federal Government:

  • Aline van der Werf,
    Programme manager, Belgian Science Policy
    Avenue Louise 231
    B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
    Tel: +32 2 238 36 71
    E-mail: aline.vanderwerf<at>
  • Estelle Balian, Belgian Biodiversity Platform
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    Rue Vautier 29 - 1000 Brussels
    Tel: +32 2 627 43 19
    Email: e.balian<at>

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